Learning Outcome 2 : Integrating Ideas

In this course, I learned how to work with multiple different writings in something other than a research paper. These projects have been argumentative and have not been what I am used to, so it has been a learning process. The articles in Project 2 were easy for the most part for me to connect and relate to. I also think this paper was a good one to integrate my opinion into as I am studying at a liberal arts institution. If I was on the opposite side, saying that a liberal arts institution was bad, I do not think I would be at the school, but I also think it would be harder to argue about. All of the authors views, except the one used for the naysayer paragraph, were for the liberal arts education.

This is a small clip from the second paragraph of my paper. I feel as if it is a good example of connecting two of the readings used to write in this project. It connects Jeffery Scheuer’s ideas to the UNE CAS Handbook. The piece from my essay also includes quotes from Jeffery Scheuer’s article as well as introduces ideas I later talk about in the Handbook. It also shows my use of embedding quotes as well as explanations to the ideas being talked about.

Scheuer explains that there are three main conceptions of a liberal arts education. These three concepts are first, “[embracing] the ideal of the integrated curriculum, encompassing virtually all non professional higher learning, from the natural and social sciences to the humanities and the performing arts” (Scheuer, Para 9). Second, “implicitly [excluding] (but does not denigrate) the sciences; and a third, still narrower, sense of the term focuses mainly on the humanities” (Scheuer, Para 12). In the UNE CAS Handbook, these three concepts are integrated throughout. Scheuer’s concepts are all integrated in some way in the UNE CAS Handbook four core themes: environmental awareness, social and global awareness, critical thinking, and citizenship and civic engagement.
