Intro to Sociology 150

Course Description

This course introduces students to the concepts and methods of sociology, particularly as they are applied to an understanding of problems and structure in society. Topics include the social organization of the U.S. as well as other countries around the world. Emphasis is on global experiences around the world and on the causes and implications of social and cultural change.

My Description

This class gives students many different perspectives on life as a whole. It teaches students all about society and human nature. This class is a main basis of sociology and begins to explain many topics in depth. Some topics covered in this course include discrimination, ethnicity/race, gender, sexuality, age, and stereotypes. It also mentions different cultures and how these cultures differ around the world. Students apply this knowledge by taking online quizzes on the readings as well as other articles the professor provides. Students also will complete a few small projects throughout the course. Some of these projects include analyzing a song and studying groups of people. These projects make students think back on the terms they have learned to connect them to real world experiences. At the end of the course, students apply their knowledge in a final group project as well as a final exam and a final paper. This paper is a biography about the student and requires them to apply sociological thinking into their experiences.
