Work Sample

For this assignment, it was a group project. I only included the section I wrote. The assignment was applying our knowledge of sociology and using the terms to observe people in social situations. The other people in my group wrote about what they observed in the dining hall and on the second floor of the commons. I wrote about what I saw at two club hockey games I attended. When doing this assignment, I realized how many terms I actually had learned throughout the course. Applying terms in real life is much easier and helpful to me to remember them. This sample is meaningful to the course because it really makes students think about everything they have learned up until that point and see how they work in society. Society is a very complex thing and can be fun to study. Personally, I like to people watch. Doing this for an assignment was a little different though. For the assignment, I had to think about the setting I was in, the weather, the timing, and the event I was at. I then had to analyze why the people were there and why there was a small amount of people there. Through doing this, I started to notice the differences in social groups and how people interact with other groups.
