Technology Mission Statement

As technology continues to progress, it is evident that the usage of technology is beneficial to being successful in the classroom as well as at work. With the uprise of using technology due to COVID – 19, technology is key to having any sort of instruction time at this point in time. Being remote and using distance learning has played the biggest role in technology usage within classrooms this year. This pandemic has made teachers, who previously taught old school, use newer platforms and integrate technology into their lessons and into their lives. Hopefully, by the time I become a teacher, the world will be a little bit more normal and back to in person instruction. With that being said, the increased use of technology does not seem to be going away anytime soon, and I do not think that it should. It is very important to use technology in the classroom. I say this because kids are growing up faster and faster, being introduced to new things and new topics earlier in life. Kids need to be educated on how to properly use technology in order to use it correctly as well as learn from it.

I plan to educate myself about many different platforms as they come up in the next few years, leading up to the start of my career. Doing this will help me to get used to these platforms and be able to successfully use them when I teach. Being able to use different platforms gives more room for differentiation as well as having more flexibility and options. Having all sorts of options can lead to an increase in success with lessons as well as a larger engagement from students. I say a larger engagement because students, especially young ones, do not enjoy seeing the same powerpoint presentation everyday or every week with different lessons. Using different platforms, deigns, and colors can help students separate one lesson from another, as well as keeping them engaged with the content. Personally, my favorite lessons were always the engaging ones. Being engaged and hands on is also how I prefer to learn. By using different platforms and differentiation, this gives opportunities for all kinds of learners, not just focusing on one all of the time.
