Artifact 1 – EDU 386

Standard 4 in the Maine Common Core Teaching Standard focuses on understanding central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) of learning experiences to make education accessible and meaningful for all learners. This artifact in particular is about introducing conversations about racism in one’s classroom. I believe this artifact from this course fits under Standard 4. The questions posed relate to how one would do this in the classroom as well as why some teachers may feel uncomfortable doing this.

This artifact made me think about how I will do this in my classroom in the future. After thinking about this situation and talking to my peers about it, I thought of different ways I would be able to do this. I feel strongly about topics like this being brought up in the classroom, as they never were when I was in school. This does not have to just apply to race either, there are many topics that should be brought into the classroom, but often are not. I think that there are many ways to go about addressing issues like these, but only a few ways that would work best in a classroom.
