Artifact 1 – EDU 204

CCTS 1 states: The teacher understands how students learn and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.

I believe this artifact aligns with CCTS this standard. The presentation attached above is all about trauma and its impact on a developing brain. I have shown my understanding of this topic in creating this presentation and presenting it to my professor. The slideshow has sections for each of the areas listed in the standard for developing children and students.

This artifact helped me to understand how my student’s lives at home will impact their learning based on their experiences both inside and outside of the classroom. As an educator, it is important to understand student’s developmental status and how that can be altered due to outside factors in order to help student’s reach their own level of success. Every student is different, and their development plays a huge part in that. I believe I can be an effective teacher with the help of this information as through other topics I have covered and will cover in my time here at UNE.
