Quick Write: Argumentative/Persuasive

Should teachers have to wear school uniforms?

If students need to wear school uniforms, teachers should as well. Teachers are the ones who have to enforce the dress code, regardless if uniforms are worn or not, so teachers should also have to abide by the dress code guidelines – and for some schools a uniform might be required to be worn. 

In a private school, I think teachers should wear uniforms with their students. Teachers could have their own uniform style to set them apart, but should still have uniforms and match their peers. Students have no way to express themselves through their clothing and I think that should be a schoolwide rule. Individuals wearing uniforms learn to express themselves in other ways. I personally wore uniforms in school K-8 and wished teachers had to as well. It was not fair that only the students had to wear uniforms and teachers could wear “normal” clothes. 

In a public school, I do not think it is needed for teachers to wear a uniform, but they must also abide by the school’s dress code. Teachers should be allowed to express themselves, just as their students do. 

Quick Write Reflection

I typically am not into writing very much, but in looking back on my quick writes, I think I did pretty well. I did go through a lot personally in the past month, which I think can be shown in my most recent writing. I chose to upload all of my quick writes from this course since this is where I have compiled them all and found it easier to leave it that way. I also chose to do this so my writing could be looked at as a whole. As a writer, I think I have shown the importance of my family in my life as well as what kind of person I am because of this. I think it can be seen when I am more passionate about a topic or genre in the amount that I wrote for each quick write.

Quick Write: Poetry

4th of July

There was a 4th of July block party,

everyone dressed in red, white, and blue for the occasion.

All the kids swam in the cold pools throughout the neighborhood.

The smell of chlorine in our hair,

and barbeque from the grill.

It became dark.

We all retreated to our front yards,

waiting for the fireworks.


Glow sticks and snacks,

laid out on our blanket for the show.

The booms of fireworks began,

lighting up the neighborhood.


the fireworks flew high into the sky.

My mother yelling,

my brother had chewed a glow stick open.

More yelling,

my nightgown had caught a spark.

Cold water being dumped on me,

my nightgown was burnt and wet.

Silence, and then cheering.

The show was over.

Quick Write: Pursuasive

Would you recommend Mysterious Benedict Society to a 4th or 5th grader? Why or why not? 

I would recommend this book to a fourth or fifth grader with a higher level of reading. Even for me as a college student, there was some difficulty in reading through the riddles and puzzles. I think for students with lower levels of reading it would be very difficult to get through the book as it can be confusing and it is rather lengthy. Despite a few questions I have about the book, I think it was a good read, even for someone not in elementary school. 

Quick Write, Rite, Right

What would you frame and why?

If I could frame anything in my house it would be flower petals. This is something that can be done, but something I have never done. I have saved flower petals from special occasions including my high school graduation, birthdays, funerals, anniversaries, holidays, etc. I have always loved flowers and I enjoy drying them out for the future. I have always been a keepsake type of person and enjoy the little things in life to look back on. Flowers are generally cheap and do not last very long. Drying them out makes it so I could save them forever. With that being said, you cannot really do much with dried flower petals except create something with them. Right now, I have them in a jar in my bedroom at home, overflowing. In the future, I would like to make a collage of all of the petals from important moments in my life.

Quick Write: Small Moments

Book Creator Code: YHBQX27

Magnolia Lane

I grew up on a street called Magnolia Lane, lined with twenty five houses, looping around at a cul de sac. When I was a little girl, my dad and I had a decently sized garden. On one hot summer day, our garden was sad looking, burnt to a crisp. I was never very good at gardening, and neither was he. I looked at my german shepherd, lying in the cold dirt of our dead garden. My dad decided that we would get rid of our sad garden and build a beautiful pool. Of course I loved this idea. 

Over a course of however much time, we started building the pool. Some of my neighbors had lent my dad equipment he needed to build the pool. One day when we were working on the pool, it started to rain, not very hard, but enough that we needed to take a break. My dad asked me to go to the deck to get the cover off of the grill so the equipment would not get wet. I ran up the stairs to the deck and pulled the grill cover off. To my surprise, I had just disrupted a very angry and very large  nest of yellow jackets. Out they came, swarming around me, and up my dress. I ran down into the yard, still holding the grill cover, while my dad tried to get the bees away from me. 

With all the yelling and commotion, my mom came outside with the intention of telling us to quiet down so she could get my brother to nap. I had never previously been stung by a bee, so this made both of my parents nervous. My dad pushed me inside, away from the angry yellow jackets, and my mom gave me a freezing cold bath. My dad ran back down the stairs to the deck to cover the equipment and then snuck inside when he could. I somehow only got away with four bee stings while my dad’s chest was covered in them. We both took some Benadryl and watched TV for the rest of the afternoon. After that experience, I have never touched a grill cover again, nor will I ever, and I really am not a fan of any kind of bees.

Quick Write: Essay Question

Social Media During the Pandemic – Good, Bad, or Evil

Social media is how everyone got their news during the pandemic. Every angle of the pandemic was spread all over social media throughout the world. Pages such as “Some Good News” made many people’s days brighter despite everything else. This platform helped me to try to see the good side of what we were going through. Many posts were number oriented and scary to look at. Personally, I tried to stay off of platforms such as Instagram, mTwitter, and Facebook, where actual news was shared. I distracted myself more on platforms like Snapchat and TikTok, where there was more than just the pandemic talked about. I think TikTok became such a large platform due to the pandemic. Everyone got on the app, started trends, started challenges, and shared their stories. Social media and technology in general made it possible for many people to continue to work, as well as go to school. Although this is definitely not the best format to learn or to teach, it was something. Being able to communicate with family and friends at this time was also possible due to technology. Using Facetime and Zoom was some people’s only form of interaction for a long time. For me, these platforms were necessary as I am very close with my family. 

Quick Write: Non-Fiction

Look at this image and write for 10 minutes whatever comes to your mind.

This picture is a picture of a waterfall. I do not know very much about waterfalls, or bodies of water in general. This picture seems to show all of the waste, specifically bottles, in the bodies of water throughout our world. The waterfall may represent the movement of plastic from smaller bodies of water that then dump into the ocean. The boat is full of people trying to help our environment. They have gone out on this boat to see the waste. They plan to take the waste on the boat with them and properly dispose of it after their trip. This is one of many waterfalls throughout the world and this one in particular showcases the horrible effects trash has on the beautiful environment we live in. Above the waterfall there is gorgeous greenery and deep blue skies.

Quick Write: Fiction

Use the following three words in a story: button, window, cat.

There once was a cat named Button. Button loved to sit on the window sill, it was his safe space. One day, when Button was lounging in the sun on the window sill, he looked down at the ground and found something that he had never seen before. He jumped down from the window sill to examine it closer. It was a round, plastic object. Not too small, but not large. It had holes in it. The cat was unaware that this was his namesake – a real button. The cat decided to save it for when his parents came home. Button took the object and put it on the kitchen counter, so his parents would find it easily when they got home. Button spent most of the day trying to find the strange item on objects throughout the house. He had no such luck. Button went back to his window sill to look for things outside that could use this object. He still was clueless. Button decided to take a nice warm nap in the sun to wait for his parents. 4:00 on the dot, Button’s mom came home. Button jumped on the counter and pushed the object towards her, meowing. “Button, you found a button!” she exclaimed. Button cocked his head, confused by her statement. She did not explain, as Button was a cat and could not talk. Once dad came home, 4:30 on the dot, mom asked dad if he was missing a button. “I lost the button on my pants! I was pulling them up all day long,” said dad. Button watched closely as his dad showed his mom where the object had come from. Button understood now that the object closes things, like his dad’s pants, and that the object couldn’t be found in the house because they were on clothes in closets. But why were they calling the object by his name? “Button found the button to my pants,” says dad.
