Artifact 2 – EDU 206

Standard 4: Content Knowledge

Inquiry Project (How are students learning phonemic awareness while wearing masks?)


The Inquiry Project was one that was more difficult for me to begin. I was not sure exactly what I wanted to do and it took me a bit of time to figure that out. Once I came up with my question, I began to think of who I could talk to to get a real experience. A family friend of mine teaches Kindergarten in Massachusetts, and has through the pandemic. Along with a few articles, the project came together


After talking to my family friend, I had so many questions in my head. She was a great resource to have and I loved hearing her experience with distanced learning. Especially for Kindergarten, I thought her experience was interesting since the students are so young. When looking for other resources, there were so many teachers who has shared their experiences. I loved getting a chance to see different perspectives, the good, and the bad, of the pandemic and distanced learning.
