
For this assignment, I had to write a reflection on a book. This book was”A Child Called It.” It is a very sad story, but is a true one about the author’s abuse as a child. The book was extremely hard to read, but I read it in one sitting as I had to know what happened. This book is also part of a series, but I do not know if I can bring myself to read more about it. The reflection did not have almost any guidelines and truly was just my reaction to the paper. Through reading this book, I realized how often these things happen. I had never really thought about that before. This sample is meaningful to the course because it is very useful information. As I am on the path to becoming a teacher, things like this are very important to know since sadly this may happen to come up in the classroom one day. In my opinion, everyone should be educated about child abuse and the signs of it. No matter what someone may do for their profession, this can be very helpful to know and can save someone’s life. The same is true for any other types of abuse and in adults as well. 
