UNE Involvement Fair – for 9/4

For this assignment, Professor Cripps wanted us to go to the Involvement Fair here on campus and talk to the officers of some clubs. Unfortunately I was unable to attend the on Friday because of a family commitment I had at home. Because of this, I had one of my friends from class, Emma Atwood, help me out by sharing some information with me about the sail club. Sadly, I do not have a selfie with members of this club or a background as to how they got started in it, but I do have some of the basic information. Upcoming events in this club are the first few meetings. These meetings take place on August 7 and August 8. During the first few meetings, they bring you out in the water and show you the basics. Gradually as you learn, they let you do things yourself. This club allows you to go at your own pace and learn new things about sailing. this club would be a new experience to me since I have never gone sailing and haven’t been on many boats in my life. I think this would be a really cool experience since our campus is right on the coast. I’m not exactly sure if I will be joining this club at this point, but it definitely is something I am going to keep in mind as I continue to look at the opportunities here at University of New England. In high school I was very involved in clubs since I do not play sports so I hope to find some clubs to join here too. I have been looking online at all of the clubs and plan to look into some others as well.

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