Making the I Say More Clear – for 10/23


Liberal arts education is so common, that it is something that is wanted by many people, but is not always an option. Ungar writes how it is a misconception that “a liberal arts degree is a luxury that most families can no longer afford.” (Ungar, Para 3) Although many families do struggle to send their kids to a liberal arts institution, many argue that it is a great investment and is well worth the money. This is because a liberal arts education allows students to get a well rounded education as well as an understanding of life after college. According to Scheuer, liberal arts has been known as two key elements to democracy. The education of liberal arts studies “prepares students for citizenship in all three sense– civic, economic, and cultural.” (Scheuer, Para 22) Citizenship is a big key to being successful in society and life after college. “The ‘career education’ bandwagon seems to suggest that shortcuts are available to students that lead directly to high-paying jobs — leaving out ‘frills’ like learning how to write and speak well, how to understand the nuances of literary texts and scientific concepts, how to collaborate with others on research.” (Ungar, Para 4) Ungar states that is is smarter for students to prepare for change and for multiple careers they will have rather than to search for one job track that may lead to nothing. A liberal arts education can do this for students, as they go through the integrated curriculum and explore many topics outside of their discipline. It is said that the purpose of higher education is to prepare students for jobs that may not even exist yet, which is why it is the best form of education according to Ungar.


Liberal arts education is so common, that it is something that is wanted by many people, but is not always an option. Ungar writes how it is a misconception that “a liberal arts degree is a luxury that most families can no longer afford.” (Ungar, Para 3) Although many families do struggle to send their kids to a liberal arts institution, many argue that it is a great investment and is well worth the money. This is because a liberal arts education allows students to get a well rounded education as well as an understanding of life after college. According to Scheuer, liberal arts has been known as two key elements to democracy. The education of liberal arts studies “prepares students for citizenship in all three sense– civic, economic, and cultural.” (Scheuer, Para 22) Citizenship is a big key to being successful in society and life after college. “The ‘career education’ bandwagon seems to suggest that shortcuts are available to students that lead directly to high-paying jobs — leaving out ‘frills’ like learning how to write and speak well, how to understand the nuances of literary texts and scientific concepts, how to collaborate with others on research.” (Ungar, Para 4) Ungar states that is is smarter for students to prepare for change and for multiple careers they will have rather than to search for one job track that may lead to nothing. A liberal arts education can do this for students, as they go through the integrated curriculum and explore many topics outside of their discipline. It is said that the purpose of higher education is to prepare students for jobs that may not even exist yet, which is why it is the best form of education according to Ungar. I agree that a liberal arts education is the best form of education for a lot of people, though I do understand why some people do not head in that direction.

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