Connections Table using Boyer, Carter, Scheuer/Ungar, and Major – for 11/1

Personally, I did not find making this table helpful. I did not really understand why I was doing this and found it hard to make connections between the text and the topics given. Maybe if the topics were explained more or if there was less information to go through it could have been easier or gone smoother. The texts we are using are very wordy, long, and hard to understand on their own, let alone trying to connect them. I haven’t had trouble with connections in the past two projects, but this one is giving me trouble. I understand how this may be helpful for some students to organize ideas and concepts, but for me I just became more confused. I found myself disinterested and just trying to get through it. Generally with our lengthy assignments, the topic is at least of some interest to me, but the new readings are just a lot of information that wouldn’t necessarily apply to me.

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