Ideas about Project 1 – for 9/9

All of the articles we have read so far definitely go between having a growth or having a fixed mindset. Since reading Dweck’s TED talk, I have been noticing in everything else I have been reading that these ideas are central to our everyday lives. Whether an article or post talks about it, you can pick out the author or the character’s mindsets fast. I definitely think having a growth mindset is key to being successful and learning in higher education. My point of view is agreeing on with authors of “The Coddling of the American Minds” side of viewing our generation and how the generations have changed as we grow up. There is a lot of backlash at both of these articles because of people’s feelings and being too harsh in certain situations. People also may argue how everyone thinks and behaves and acts and feels differently about any given situation. I think that “The Coddling of the American Mind” does a good job of showing how and why people have fixed mindsets. My perspective on higher approaches in education is to have a growth mindset. Be open to trying new things and meeting new people and challenge yourself. If we do not do this while being educated, we are only learning academics and we are not learning life skills.

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