Blog 2 : Wildfires

According to this article, “Wildfires have spread dramatically  – and some forests may not recover,” the wildfires recently occurring have destroyed more than 26 million acres of land in eastern Australia. Many of the forests affected by the recent fires have also had recent, but smaller brush fires that they were in the process of recovering from. Due to the more recent and larger fires, many forests were completely destroyed and will take years and years to recover from. These forests that are now destroyed were habitats for many different species of animals who are now left injured and without homes, or dead. According to the article, some animals have still been thriving through the wildfires. “Many predators—such as monitor lizards, some birds of prey, and introduced cats and foxes—actively seek out fire scars to hunt survivors that are left exposed in landscapes devoid of cover… the fire chaser beetles in the genus Melanophila… lay their eggs in freshly burnt wood, where their larvae develop” (NG). This was shocking to me as many others may be since wildfires do not seem like they would benefit anyone.

The issue of climate change has been increasing the risk of wildfires by “stimulating hot and dry conditions and high-risk weather” (NG). Ecosystems are said to be more flammable due to the increased moisture in the air and the decrease of moisture in the ground. It is not just Australia that has been affected by wildfires. As of recently, California has had its worst and largest wildfires. This hits closer to home for many of us as we may know more people affected by them as well as this is something happening within our country. For me, I have family who lives out there. Thankfully, they were not too close to the forests and the areas in which the fires were happening. 

Personally, I do not think that the author who wrote this article is biased. This is because I do not think anyone should want or does want forest fires and climate change to be occurring. A lot of people as of recent have been trying to “stop” climate change or do other things that can slow it down or “prevent it.” I put quotes around “stop” and “prevent it” because I do not think that this process can be stopped or prevented. I think it may be able to be slowed down, but something like this cannot really be stopped. After taking in this information, it is important to see that these fires are largely affected by climate change as our planet is getting warmer. I am not educated on the topic of climate change. I personally have never been very interested in learning about the topic or taking a part in it. After the horrible fires in California and in Australia as of recently, I have been more interested in educating myself on the topic and what is behind it. Seeing how climate change can cause wildfires as large as these and how fast they can spread is very scary. I am very grateful to not be living in an area where this is occuring. Who knows what else climate change may be contributing to throughout the world. As climate change progresses, more things will harm the environment and through this, us, human beings. 

Work Cited

Schaben, Allen J. “Wildfires Have Spread Dramatically – and Some Forests May Not Recover.”  National Geographic, 30 Jan. 2020,

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