Quick Write: Essay Question

Social Media During the Pandemic – Good, Bad, or Evil

Social media is how everyone got their news during the pandemic. Every angle of the pandemic was spread all over social media throughout the world. Pages such as “Some Good News” made many people’s days brighter despite everything else. This platform helped me to try to see the good side of what we were going through. Many posts were number oriented and scary to look at. Personally, I tried to stay off of platforms such as Instagram, mTwitter, and Facebook, where actual news was shared. I distracted myself more on platforms like Snapchat and TikTok, where there was more than just the pandemic talked about. I think TikTok became such a large platform due to the pandemic. Everyone got on the app, started trends, started challenges, and shared their stories. Social media and technology in general made it possible for many people to continue to work, as well as go to school. Although this is definitely not the best format to learn or to teach, it was something. Being able to communicate with family and friends at this time was also possible due to technology. Using Facetime and Zoom was some people’s only form of interaction for a long time. For me, these platforms were necessary as I am very close with my family. 

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