Quick Write: Argumentative/Persuasive

Should teachers have to wear school uniforms?

If students need to wear school uniforms, teachers should as well. Teachers are the ones who have to enforce the dress code, regardless if uniforms are worn or not, so teachers should also have to abide by the dress code guidelines – and for some schools a uniform might be required to be worn. 

In a private school, I think teachers should wear uniforms with their students. Teachers could have their own uniform style to set them apart, but should still have uniforms and match their peers. Students have no way to express themselves through their clothing and I think that should be a schoolwide rule. Individuals wearing uniforms learn to express themselves in other ways. I personally wore uniforms in school K-8 and wished teachers had to as well. It was not fair that only the students had to wear uniforms and teachers could wear “normal” clothes. 

In a public school, I do not think it is needed for teachers to wear a uniform, but they must also abide by the school’s dress code. Teachers should be allowed to express themselves, just as their students do. 

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