Annotating Ernest L. Boyer’s “College” – for 10/28

  1. Boyer’s central tension idea relies mainly on an integrated curriculum, or the integration of a liberal arts education. He did many research studies about various topics such as the kind of education teachers want to teach as well as what the students want to receive. He talks a lot about how students only go to college or university to be able to get a job in the future. “If college did not increase their prospects for employment they would drop out” (Boyer, 102). This to me makes a lot of sense since i think that the main point of college or a higher education is to be able to go into the work force with higher education.
  2. Boyer’s “enriched major” idea is based off of three main questions. “What is the history and tradition of the field to be examined? What are the social and economic implications to be understood? What are the ethical and moral issues to be confronted?” (Boyer, 110). His enriched major is meant to explore a field in depth and put their area of study into perspective. This can respond to the key tension around the importance of a liberal arts education being integrated into curriculum. Through this, all three questions should be able to be answered.

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