EDU Major Questions – for 11/4

Enriched major questions

  1. What do students get out of this course?
  2. What are the difficulties in this major?

Metagenre questions

  1. How does this major help for the future? (call for performance)
  2. What is so special about the education major at UNE? (research from sources)

Own questions

  1. Why is this major a necessary one to have and promote?
  2. Why is this major a useful one to continue teaching?
  3. What do students get out of participating in fieldwork throughout their time spent in the Education major?
  4. How does the Education major help prepare college students to teach younger kids?
  5. What is so special about the Education major and its curriculum at UNE?
  6. How does the Education major help to improve the education system for the future of our children?

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