Paragraphs for Project 3 – for 11/6

Carter talks about four metagenres: problem solving, empirical inquiry, research from resources, and call for performance. The EDU major can closely relate to the multiple of these metagenres. The empirical inquiry metagenre answers “questions by drawing conclusions from systematic investigation based on empirical data” (Carter, 396). EDU majors are taught about different types of learners and their development as well as the differences between learning environments. Through doing this, the EDU majors will be using previous data about the learning types and the development of students to help in their future job and within their fieldwork. The major can also fit into the call for performance metagenre. This metagenre “denote[s] both the act and the resulting object of a performance, but particularly the primacy of an object as evidence of success in learning to perform the act, the doing of the performance” (Carter, 400). The call for performance is used inside and outside of the classroom. As a student learning, one needs to apply their knowledge inside of the classroom, but also outside in the field. Through the education major, students are taught to apply their knowledge by teaching or shadowing in real classrooms.

Boyer’s idea of an enriched major can be found in aspects throughout the EDU major. The idea of an enriched major encourages “students not only to explore a field in depth, but also help them [to] put their field of study in perspective” (Boyer, 110). The major will be able to answer three questions according to Boyer. “What is the history and tradition of the field to be examines? What are the social and economic implications to be understood? What are ethical and moral issues to be confronted?” (Boyer, 110). In my opinion, the EDU major coincides with many ideas of the enriched major. The major can answer all three questions with the required courses. For the history/tradition part there is a course called foundations in literacy development and instruction. For the social/economic part there is a course called exploring teaching. For the ethical/moral part there is a course called diversity issues in schools. Field work is a part of the exploring teaching course as well as many other courses within the major. The major seems to be generally narrow with a low credit requirement, which Boyer says is the perfect example of an enriched major.


My name is Kayla Midolo. I have met you previously a few times in Julie’s Exploring Teaching course, as well as having a meeting in order to get into that class. For my english course, I am researching more about the EDU major and I need to set up an interview with you, the department head. I would love to speak with you to get to know more about the major if you have time. Me along with two other girls, also in Julie’s class are doing the same topic for our english class, so if working with all three of us would be easier we can also arrange for that.

Thank you,

Kayla Midolo

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