Revise a Paragraph for Project 3 – for 11/15


The Education major here at the University of New England is split into four parts and also offers two minors. The four majors are elementary/middle, secondary education, art education, and educational studies. Special education and education minors are also offered. Through this paper, there will be a focus on elementary/middle major, but may include other aspects of the Education major as a whole. The elementary/middle education major “includes content rich in curriculum theory, assessment, literacy, education psychology and classroom management, using technology in the classroom as well as courses in teaching in various subject areas included in elementary curricula” (UNE EDU). The Education major requires field experience as well as internships to better prepare the students for their job of teaching in the real world after college. This major requires only 48 credits allowing students to dive deeper into the offered minors as well as other areas of study through double majors, minors, internships, and travel opportunities. There are also many required courses within the Education major that are required due to the use of a liberal arts education.


The Education major here at the University of New England is split into four parts and also offers two minors. The four majors are elementary/middle, secondary education, art education, and educational studies. Special education and education minors are also offered. Through this paper, there will be a focus on elementary/middle major, but may include other aspects of the Education major as a whole. The elementary/middle education major “includes content rich in curriculum theory, assessment, literacy, education psychology and classroom management, using technology in the classroom as well as courses in teaching in various subject areas included in elementary curricula” (UNE EDU). The Education major also requires field work experience as well as internships to better prepare the students for their job of teaching in the real world after college. Bartholomew says field work is required by the state, but is very important for students to see teaching in the real world. They may not always be good examples of teaching, but the student is taught how to reflect on these examples and nonexamples of good teaching. The big thing field work does is it allows students to experience teaching different subjects, as well as different grade levels. These experiences also help to build networking connections for a job after college. According to Bartholomew, the Education major cut down on credit requirements as of a few years ago. This major requires only 48 credits allowing students to dive deeper into everything UNE has to offer. These things include: opportunities to minor, double minor, or even triple minor,  double major, do internships, and study abroad. There are also many required courses that the Education majors must take throughout their college experience since the University of New England is a liberal arts institution.

For this paragraph, I added my interview with Audrey. Her explanations seem to make the paragraph stronger, as her points back up what I had previously stated and learned about the major. I will continue to add about our interview throughout the paper to create stronger points. I affirmed my previous points and added the interview to this paragraph.

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