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About your learning style: 

  1. After looking at the syllabus, what kinds of learning strategies will you have to use in order to be successful in the course? 
    • In general, my learning strategies include taking handwritten notes, attending class, reviewing my notes, and completing all assignments. When I need help, I always email the professor or look for help from a friend or tutor. In this case, I could drop by office hours or schedule an appointment or go to SASC.
  2. What kinds of support will you need from me (or other UNE resources) to make those strategies work? 
    • Having copies of the notes gone over in class is always helpful for me as I like to keep my notes organized and I sometimes tend to rewrite them. Possible SASC availability may be needed if I need extra help.
  3. Which strategies have been effective, or ineffective, for you in the past? For example, reflect upon the best and worst classes you have taken, and describe what made those courses successful for you, or not. 
    • I always strive to make my courses successful as I am not the type of person to allow myself to fail. Classes that have made it more difficult for me to succeed have been with teachers/professors with unrealistic expectations, such as 2+ hours of homework after each class meeting as many departments deem as reasonable, as well as many outside of class time scheduled events such as this one. Things like this are hard to schedule around class times, homework, work, and having a personal life. 
    • Classes that have been easier for me to succeed or do well in have been classes with understanding teachers/professors and set deadlines/due dates that do not change drastically. I am a planner and tend to do well in situations where deadlines are not moved up or moved back too much. I also learn better when I am taught something in a classroom vs all self taught information.

About an environmental issue:

  1. Think about an environmental issue in your hometown, name it and describe its importance and potential solutions to it.  If you can’t think of any at a local level, think about one environmental issue at a regional, national or international level that you are aware of and describe it as best as you can. 
    • My grandparents live on a side street and at one point, they were one of the only houses on the street. Now, there is a new development cross the street with huge houses. When all of the trees were cut down, many animals were left without homes. This led to the infestation of bats in my grandparents house. There was also a family of owls that moved into a tree across the street from the house, as their previous home has most likely been destroyed. This could have been prevented if there was an investigation of the land and what inhabits it before the destruction of land. Potential solutions would be to set up bat boxes for new homes instead of leaving the bats stranded and looking for homes in my grandparents chimney and house.
  2. Now, think about any potential environmental issue that relates to what you think you will do once you graduate from college.  Again, if you cannot think of any, think about any environmental issue that would simply affect the lifestyle you want to have.
    • Going along with the issue previously described, I think this may be an issue or a potential issue for my future. As I am currently very unsure of my major, I do know that when I am older I want to be a mom and have a family of my own. For me, this entails having a house, whether it is new or old. Deforestation and the movement of animals could always be an issue with this goal as you can never predict these types of things happening in nature.

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