Quick Write: Memoir

Who was the most important person in your life and why?

I believe that the most important person in my life is my mom. She has always supported me in what I do. She is one of my best friends and the first person I go to for both good and bad news. She is my mom, so she knows how to deal with me, but she also strives to understand me as a person as well, not just as her daughter. No secrets are kept between us. I would like to say I am her best friend too. 

She has always been the “cool” mom. The one my friends go to for advice. The one who hangs out with us and takes us places. She always is the one to jump when anyone is in need, and I have taken many of her characteristics. I believe my mom has made me who I am. She has always believed in me, even when I did not believe in myself. She pushed me to follow my dreams and choose education when others said that I shouldn’t. She had wanted to be a teacher, but never followed through – I wonder how life would have been different if she had been a teacher. My mom is my rock in everything I do. 

She is the mom at every event. The mom with the professional camera and a huge scrapbook collection. She’s the mom that jumps to answer the phone in case something has happened. The mom that stays up at night until I get home safely. The mom that checks in every couple hours. The mom that has snapchat and consistently uses it to keep tabs on me and my friends, making sure we are safe, but also having fun. The mom who was really sad when I got my license because I “didn’t need her” to bring me places anymore. And I am the daughter who goes out with my mom. The daughter who checks in often. The daughter who always calls to say goodnight. The daughter who documents everything as her mom has always done for her. The daughter who strives to be like her mother. 

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