Quick Write: Fiction

Use the following three words in a story: button, window, cat.

There once was a cat named Button. Button loved to sit on the window sill, it was his safe space. One day, when Button was lounging in the sun on the window sill, he looked down at the ground and found something that he had never seen before. He jumped down from the window sill to examine it closer. It was a round, plastic object. Not too small, but not large. It had holes in it. The cat was unaware that this was his namesake – a real button. The cat decided to save it for when his parents came home. Button took the object and put it on the kitchen counter, so his parents would find it easily when they got home. Button spent most of the day trying to find the strange item on objects throughout the house. He had no such luck. Button went back to his window sill to look for things outside that could use this object. He still was clueless. Button decided to take a nice warm nap in the sun to wait for his parents. 4:00 on the dot, Button’s mom came home. Button jumped on the counter and pushed the object towards her, meowing. “Button, you found a button!” she exclaimed. Button cocked his head, confused by her statement. She did not explain, as Button was a cat and could not talk. Once dad came home, 4:30 on the dot, mom asked dad if he was missing a button. “I lost the button on my pants! I was pulling them up all day long,” said dad. Button watched closely as his dad showed his mom where the object had come from. Button understood now that the object closes things, like his dad’s pants, and that the object couldn’t be found in the house because they were on clothes in closets. But why were they calling the object by his name? “Button found the button to my pants,” says dad.

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