Podcast 1 – for 9/18


I am sorry in advance for the horrible quality and editing. I hate listening to my voice and recording it so this definitely has not been one of my favorite projects. I have learned the basic use of Audacity. Unfortunately, I could not find any good, free music so I used a sound effect. I also could not figure out how to use the sound throughout the podcast without it messing up my talking. I did not do very well with this project but I am planning to make an appointment in SASC to learn more about this for the future. There were no open slots that worked well with my schedule for this time around.

Rough script

Sunday night around 11:30 pm, I was in bed and my roommates were getting ready for bed and all of the fire alarms start to go off. I grab shoes and a sweatshirt, I open the door. My friend had fell out of her bed and left her room without shoes and her key and people were in the showers and came out in robes and towels. So we walked downstairs to the smell of burnt popcorn. We all go outside and everyone is super mad, it was late at night and it’s a Sunday and a lot of people had early classes the next day. We stood outside until like midnight and the firetrucks took like 15 minutes to come, which we were all mad about because if it was a worse situation than just burnt popcorn it probably would have been bad. After we all walked back in, we were all covered in bug-bites and tired and cold and we were all ready for bed so we could all go to class the next day.

The sounds used in this recording is called ‘hard shoes’ by Daniel Simion from the website sound bible.

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