Revise a Paragraph for Project 2 – for 10/18

This draft is attempting to relate the UNE CAS Handbook to Scheuer’s conceptions.


The University of New England CAS Handbook has been examined and through this examination, it is determined that this institution uses the concept of an integrated curriculum the most out of all three of Scheuer’s conceptions. Working together, these two writings perfectly explain what a liberal arts education is, it’s purpose, and the outcomes. The handbook states throughout the writing that each student is required to take certain courses and obtain a certain amount of credits outside of their major requirements. Some of these include the requirement of at least one laboratory course, a social/global awareness course, and a human traditions course. These courses introduce the science aspect and humanities aspect in Scheuer’s concepts. In regards to the integrated curriculum concept, all students must take an english course, a mathematics course, and an environmental awareness course. There are many other required classes students need to take, but these are just a few.


The University of New England CAS Handbook has been examined and through this examination, it is determined that this institution uses the concept of an integrated curriculum the most out of all three of Scheuer’s conceptions. Working together, these two writings perfectly explain what a liberal arts education is, it’s purpose, and the outcomes. The handbook states throughout the writing that each student is required to take certain courses and obtain a certain amount of credits outside of their major requirements. Some of these include the requirement of at least one laboratory course, a social/global awareness course, and a human traditions course. These courses introduce the science aspect and humanities aspect in Scheuer’s concepts. In regards to the integrated curriculum concept, all students must take an english course, a mathematics course, and an environmental awareness course. There are many other required classes students need to take, but these are just a few. “Core curriculum courses take different approaches to model integrative learning. Some facilitate civic engagement, as well as engagements in research, scholarship, and creative work. Together, Core courses enable students to chart courses of self-directed and ongoing learning.” (CAS Handbook, 4) The core curriculum takes subjects from all aspects and walks of life to engage students and prepare them for life after college. These courses allow students to get a well-rounded education which is a goal of liberal arts education.

At the end, I added a quote which I think encompasses my main goals throughout the paragraph.

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